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Output details

35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

University of Winchester

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Title and brief description

On Ageing

Fevered Sleep&Fuel

I - Performance
Young Vic, London
Year of first performance
Number of additional authors
Additional information

With the aim to circumvent negative images of ageing the project sought to stage ageing as being process and not a static state of depletion. It aimed to question how one defines age, thus wanting to challenge embedded perceptions of “young” and “old”.

I did this by:

• Collaborating as dramaturg with directors and creative team on a performance. The project deployed Gerontology as its underpinning theory to stage ageing as a process of accumulated experience and life course. This dovetailed with the decision to present ageing as “ageless” through having the performers aged 6-14 speak real life testimonies sourced from older people, as if these thoughts and memories were the young perfomers’ own. The juxtaposition sought to create a dramaturgy where “young” and “old” selves begin to mingle, thus suggesting that ageing is also a process of subjective story-telling where we rewrite our past in view of our present.

• Developing, together with the directors, dramaturgical and conceptual staging strategies as well as offering critical refelection on the rehearsals and emerging materials.

• Developing and editing documentation in the form of a booklet in collaboration with director and graphic designers. The documentation disseminates the project and explains the dramaturgy and narrative of the piece. It contains a reflective dialogue between directors and dramaturg about the project’s representation of ageing and the critical response.

The project opens a debate about perceptions and representations of ageing within our culture. Implicitly asking if ageing is “ageless” the project attempts to present ageing as a process that belongs to everybody in society.

While the project is underpinned by scientific research, it uses it as a creative stimulus and through so doing, advocates an approach to research and practice that is not based on a classical transmission model.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract