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36 - Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management

University of Ulster

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Maximising the potential of the creative Industries in Northern Ireland (Policy Paper No. 7)

N - Research report for external body
Commissioning body
Northern Ireland Assembly, Culture, Leisure and Arts Committee
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Background explanation to its research significance:

The policy paper was written to assist the Northern Ireland Assembly's Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure in the above inquiry which began in September 2011. Six working papers were researched to feed into the document as it had to comply with the committee's format, questions raised and word length. Summary data for three of them are in the appendices while some information from the others was given to the committee at two oral hearings to which the author was invited. Links to the Hansard transcripts of these sessions are given below.

This policy paper focused on the creative media sector while others in the University looked at art and design, architecture, innovation policy and performing arts.

The committee's final report in February 2013, see link below, quoted seveeral parts of the policy paper including its growth projections and recommendations on skills development and the more central role in policy development and encouraging collaboration which the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure could play. It also contains, in Volume 2 pages 828-834, a copy of the policy paper.

Links to Official Report (Hansard) transcripts:

Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure Inquiry into Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries: Evidence from Dr Colm Murphy at stakeholder event. Thursday, 15 March 2012:

Dr Colm Murphy's evidence to the Inquiry into Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries in Northern Ireland: Thursday, 26 April 2012, Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure:

Final report referencing items from Policy Paper No. 7 submission:

Inquiry on maximising the potential of the creative industries: first report session 2011-2015: Vol.l-3 Research papers and additional information, 14 February 2013. Northern Ireland Assembly reports 98/11-15­ Leisure/Creative%201ndustries/Creative%201nductry%20Vol%201.pdf

Vol.2 Research papers and additional information, 14 February 2013 Northern Ireland Assembly reports 98/11-15 See pages 828-834

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract