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Output details

16 - Architecture, Built Environment and Planning

Robert Gordon University

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Output 35 of 54 in the submission
Title and brief description

Rashiereive Live/Work

K - Design
Number of additional authors
Additional information

This project centred around design for 21st century live/work, a concept seldom explored in Scotland, in addition to designing for the placement of contemporary architecture in the Scottish rural landscape, which is at the core of my practice- based research. In addition this work also acts as a test case with regards to the Scottish planning system, which does not recognise live/work as a development category, with the result being that it sits outwith adopted planning designations, and faces considerable resistance wherever proposed.

Over the course of 12 months the economic and planning context of live/work developments were assessed, followed by the design of 22 units of varying type and size, within a 3.4Ha site. Live/work is an often used and misunderstood concept. Designated live/work properties are a hybrid of residential and commercial property, and are recognised in the English planning system by a designated development type (sui generis).

This piece of work sought to define the requirements of 21st century small scale business, and ultimately combine them with residential use, within the context of a proposed extension to an existing node of live/work business, encompassed by a coherent placemaking strategy.

Reference was made to materiality suggested by context, through granite cladding and turf roofing, whilst unit design was dictated by sight-lines from neighbouring roads, solar analysis, and the design of streetscapes which gave primary importance to either “work” or “live” elements, dependent on context.

The proposal helped stimulate a debate surrounding modern live/work developments, and their place with the national planning system (in local press, online and through discussions with the Scottish Government). As a result, considerable encouragement was given by Aberdeenshire Council, for an application for the land in question to be re-zoned in the next round of Development Planning, for which a zoning application has been submitted.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract