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Output details

29 - English Language and Literature

University of Edinburgh

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I - Performance
Roe Valley Hospital, site of former Limavady Workhouse
Year of first performance
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Additional information

This project was specially commissioned as a site specific, promenade production, in the preserved Limavady Workhouse in mid-Ulster. Nicola McCartney was commissioned with one other established writer (Marina Carr) along with two emerging writers (Morna Regan and Rosemary Jenkinson). The brief for each was to write 30 minutes of drama to be performed within specific spaces within the workhouse. Nicola McCartney was allocated the Pauper's Graveyard (Resurrection), the Refectory (Dissection) and the Fever Ward (Fever). The audience of 120 was split into 4 groups who toured around the performance, each group seeing the plays in a different sequence. McCartney's piece, Dissection, began the whole performance, being the only section the entire audience saw at the same time. These 3 short plays were based in research into poverty levels in the UK and Ireland, their causes, consequences and public attitudes towards poverty.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract