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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Edge Hill University

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Output 26 of 34 in the submission
Title or brief description

Practice as Research: Sonic and Visual Interplay: Copper Vibrations; Glesum and Journal Article: The Placement of Sound in Artistic Contexts

Q - Digital or visual media
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The audio-visual works explore relationships between 'what is seen and what is heard' (Goebbels, 2009) by examining connections between aural and visual media, using experimental approaches combining sound composition with moving images simultaneously. The projects sought to question whether cinematic techniques (e.g. manipulation, slow paced movement, panning) can create diachronical musical and visual synchronicity and collisions. Both Copper Vibrations and Glesum investigate the concept of separation and the interpretation and meaning that emerges when bringing sound and image creations together. The juxtaposed projects were produced specifically from one source object, sections of copper pipe and glass (as well as the processes involved in working with glass cutting). The works question the extent to which it is possible to take a familiar, recognisable, everyday object and make it unfamiliar by manipulating its sonic and visual qualities; in essence, by defamiliarising the familiar. Conclusions indicate that there is a dialectical relationship between the sounds, and that there is interplay between the concrete sounds and the more musically organised sounds, present in both works. Copper Vibrations has been diffused live at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (New York, 2010), installed at the Women & Minorities Media Festival (Maryland University, Baltimore, 2010), and has also been exhibited/performed at Seeing Sound Symposium (Bath, UK, 2009), Research Exchange Seminar (Edge Hill University, 2009). Copper Vibrations was part of a Juke Box installation with audio streamed on the internet (Oxford Brooks University, 2009-2010). It featured in the 3rd International Theatre Soundscore and Music Composition Exhibition (Prague, 2011 Both Copper Vibrations and Glesum have featured in live Diffusion Concerts (Clothworkers' Centenary Concert Hall, Leeds, 2009 and 2011 respectively); Copper Vibrations was presented as a research case study in Lauke, ‘The Placement of Sound in Artistic Contexts’, Body, Space & Technology 9.1 (Brunel University, 2010;

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract