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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

University of Huddersfield

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Chapter title

21st Century Trance Cult: Electronic Dance Music Culture as a Form of Possession Trance, and its Role in Replacing the Traditional Roles of Religions Within Western European Popular Youth Culture.

C - Chapter in book
Publisher of book
I. B. Tauris
Book title
I. B. Tauris Library of Modern Religion
ISBN of book
Year of publication
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Additional information

This book chapter explores the relationships between popular music cultures and religion. It discusses popular music electronic dance music culture as exhibiting the typical characteristics of a cult, as being ‘like’ a religion; examines sacred popular cultural definitions of and approaches to religion; and investigates entrancement and entrainment. This research has been disseminated at a plenary presentation at IASPM Conference 2011, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, at which it was commended as a conference highlight by two of those summarizing the conference; by invitation at the Insititute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts, University of St. Andrews; also by invitation at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munchen, Germany; as a keynote at a Royal Musical Association Study Day on Electronic Dance Music, Keele University; by invitation at the conference Field of Dreams: Contemporary Explorations at the Interface, between Religion and Popular Culture, Sarum College, Salisbury; and at the Institute of Musical Research at the conference, The Musical Body: Gesture, Representation and Ergonomics in Musical Performance.

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Double-weighted statement
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English abstract