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Staff members (REF1a/c)

4 - Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Imperial College London

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Showing staff members 51 - 52 of 52
Waldman, ADB
Research group(s)
  • A - Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration
Category C explanatory text

Dr Waldman has been a Consultant Neuroradiologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust from 2001.

Dr Waldman works on a number of research projects with academics from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College (namely Professor Matthews, Dr Peters, Dr Ritchie). He has published 20 articles jointly with his Imperial colleagues during the REF period.

Dr Waldman was awarded a CTRF in radiology from Bayer UK PLC in 2010. He is joint Principal Investigator on a Imperial BRC funded grant (2010) in Amyloid Imaging in late-life depression and Mild Cognitive Impairment. He is also joint Principal Investigator on an Imperial MRC grant (2008) rapidly evolving multiple sclerosis – opening the window of therapeutic opportunity.

Dr Waldman has founded an academic radiology training scheme (funded Academic Clinical Fellow and Clinical Lecturer posts) and is establishing a leading academic clinical imaging department in partnership with Imperial College.

Wise, RJS
Research group(s)
  • B - Brain Plasticity and Recovery
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Showing staff members 51 - 52 of 52