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Output details

11 - Computer Science and Informatics

University of York

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Output 17 of 139 in the submission
Output title

ARTOO : adaptive random testing for object-oriented software

E - Conference contribution
Name of conference/published proceedings
ICSE '08 : Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering
Volume number
Issue number
First page of article
ISSN of proceedings
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

<09>Demonstrates new inter-object distance measure to drive adaptive test input selection for OO software. Comparsion against leading randomised strategy (ART) demonstrates (average) 5-fold (sometimes two orders) reduction in test cases needed to find first fault, albeit with greater computation cost (average 1.6 times). Where low number of test cases is more important than execution time (e.g. when oracle is manual, most often the case) potential savings are huge. ARTOO is also less sensitive to seed choices. ICSE acceptance rate was 15%. Paper is widely discussed in the literature. PhDs (Ciupa, Leitner) now Software Test Managers at Credit Suisse and Google.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
D - Enterprise Systems
Citation count
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract