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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Ulster

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Title and brief description

'Market Stall Performance, Toronto': a site-specific performance as part of '7a11d* International Performance Art Festival'

I - Performance
Toronto, Canada
Year of first performance
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Connolly was invited by Art Organisation 7a11d, in Toronto, to perform as part of their 8th International Festival of Performance Art, along with other renowned international artists including Helge Meyer & Jurgen Fritz (Germany), Jamie McMurray & Jeffery Byrd (USA), Guillermo Gomez Penna (Mexico/L.A.), Gwendoline Robin (Belgium) and Agnes Nedregard (Norway).

Connolly used visual humour as the main strategy within the performance as a means of creating direct interaction and communication with members of the Toronto public, aligned to ‘relational aesthetics’ (after Bourriaud).

Through studio research he evolved a series of potential relational art strategies, including potential interactive art processes, surreal art objects and commodities all devised to elicit interaction, engender conversation, dialogue and potential transactions and interactions with members of the public.

The resulting Relational Performance Strategy became a ‘Market Stall Performance’, with culturally specific motifs, commodities and potential interactive transactions that responded to international or global socio-political structures and economics. The performance centred on questions about the nature of economy, consumerism, commodification and material value and/or ownership as opposed to that of free experience and communication.

On arrival in Toronto Connolly visited several markets and choose one location, adjacent to Kensington Market. The choice was based on the nature of the other traders and their wares.

Connolly also participated in a Post-Performance Seminar – ‘Performance Art Daily’ on the 24th October in the Toronto Free Gallery along with Maurice Blok and Robin Brass, with the host: Paul Couillard. This was recorded on Video to form part of the 7a11d Archive.

The Market Stall Performance was subsequently presented in Shenzhen, China, in 2010, Cavan - Ireland and Koprivnica - Croatia in 2012.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
E - Space and Place
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract