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Output details

35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

University of Ulster

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Output 31 of 53 in the submission
Book title

Opera in the Novel from Balzac to Proust

A - Authored book
Publisher of book
Cambridge University Press
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Chapter 2 of this monograph is a revised and expanded (by about 27%) version of ‘Metaphors for Meyerbeer’, “Journal of the Royal Musical Association” 127/1 (2002), 23-43. Chapter 3 contains the equivalent of about two paragraphs borrowed from ‘Far luce su Lucia: simulacri letterari e operistici’, in Il teatro di Donizetti. Atti dei convegni delle celebrazioni 1797/1997-1848/1998 II: Percorsi e proposte di ricerca Venezia 22-24 maggio 1997, ed. Paolo Cecchi and Luca Zoppelli (Bergamo: Fondazione Donizetti, 2004), 245-56. ‘Metaphors for Meyerbeer’ and ‘Far luce su Lucia’ were both submitted to RAE2008.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement

This monograph consists of six chapters, each as long as a standard journal article; indeed, Chapter 5 originally appeared in “19th-Century Music” (2009), and a shorter version of Chapter 2 in the “Journal of the Royal Musical Association” (2002). In addition, the Introduction and Envoi are together equivalent to a short journal article. The book required the examination of a considerable body of material: a large collection of press reviews and novels, and an extensive secondary literature. In both scale and scope, therefore, it clearly required a research effort exceeding that necessary to produce two single outputs.

Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract