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Output details

13 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials

University of Greenwich

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Output 16 of 31 in the submission
Article title

Modelling methodology for thermal analysis of hot solder dip process

D - Journal article
Title of journal
Microelectronics Reliability
Article number
Volume number
Issue number
First page of article
ISSN of journal
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Funded through the US Government Grant ((H94003-04-D-003-0056) and supported by Selex Electronic Systems, Rolls Royce, Cassidian (an EADS company) and General Dynamics. The novel virtual qualification approach of electronics components subjected to a new robotised post-manufacturing process, developed and demonstrated at University of Greenwich and validated at Micross Components Ltd., enables the manufacturers of high-reliability equipment to substitute expensive experimental qualification programmes thus realising typical cost savings of £100,000 per component ( – Paul Stewart, Lead Engineer, Selex Electronic Systems). This work has guided the process optimisation at Micross and has resulted in alteration of process parameters that made the process compatible with manufacturers’ requirements in terms of temperature change rates ( – Micross Semiconductors Limited). This is a major impact that makes the use of this process possible and customisable for wide range of components. This capability was not present prior to this work.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
1 - Centre for Numerical Modelling and Process Analysis (CNMPA)
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract