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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Falmouth University

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ANTI Contemporary Art Festival, Kuopio, Finland. An annual international site-specific performance festival held in the public spaces of Kuopio

T - Other form of assessable output
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Festival curation: 2008-13
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Whelan’s curatorial research, as deployed in his position as Artistic Director of ANTI Contemporary Art Festival, Finland, grew from his work as a founder member of UK performance company Lone Twin: both initiatives share a core focus on contemporary performance and site-specificity. ANTI, which Whelan co-directs with Johanna Tuukkanen, eschews traditional cultural spaces in favour of an investigation into how contemporary performance makers engage with the places, spaces and communities of everyday life. Each iteration, a suite of six festivals are submitted here, aligns that central investigation with a changing set of topographical elements and thematic framings; the festival inhabits different public spaces each year with artists asked to respond to a specific core theme, recent themes include ‘home’, ‘renewal’ and ‘warmth’. A seminar augments the programme offering a discursive space in which to develop, test and extend the festival’s social and cultural concerns. Whelan and Tuukkanen’s curatorial methodology, developed and delivered equally, has two strands: 1) an annual open call asks artists to submit proposals, and 2) previous festival artists are invited to return. The open call aimed at developing early-career artists, acts as a global survey of new performance-makers engaged with site-specificity, the invitation process allows the festival to support the on-going concerns of established practitioners. Across 2008 – 2013 Whelan and Tuukkanen commissioned 105 artists, from 20 countries, to create site-specific performances and presented six day-length seminars with contributions from 33 academics from 12 countries. In 2010 to celebrate a decade of activity Whelan and Tuukkanen published ANTIVERSARY - Performance, Live Art and Site-Specificity a collection of articles by international academics, artists and writers detailing the festival’s history and impact on the practice and study of site-specific performance making. ANTI Festival 2008–2013 was supported by, among others, the European Commission, Arts Council Finland and Kuopio City Council.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract