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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Southampton Solent University

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Output 6 of 81 in the submission
Title and brief description

A Guide to Life's Turning Points:

A durational performance for one person at a time.

I - Performance
Rathausgallerie Munich; Prague Contemporary Art Festival; video screening Institute of Contemporary Arts, Singapore
Year of first performance
Number of additional authors
Additional information

At the time of this performance, the subprime crisis was acutely felt in Asia. One of the few industries that flourished in that harsh climate was that of fortune telling. Since the future is malleable and ultimately shaped by the state of mind with which we approach it, positive affirmation *we believe to be true* can only make things better, not so much in a Pollyanna way, but rather more in a Placebo Effect way. As with my other work, this piece responded to the current context as immediately and appropriately as I am able to. By very thoroughly acknowledging the multitude of conditions surrounding our shared state, I tap into what is ‘real’ in that very moment. In this way, I connect with my audience, who are also currently living that reality, on a rudimentary level.

‘A Guide…’ was a durational performance for one person at a time. First, each visitor described what they were apprehensive about or wished to know about their own future. I consulted an antique copy of the I Ching and appeared to translate directly from the original Mandarin to English. In fact, I was quoting from memory a complete collation of the very finest predictions in the I Ching. Regardless of the question asked, each person received an identical radiant omen. For months after this, delighted participants reported back to me on the “accuracy” of their fortunes.

This work was also funded in part by the National Arts Council Singapore.


In 2011, ‘A Guide…’ was performed again in at TINA B. Prague Contemporary Art Festival (exh. cat.), and video documentation screened as part of “Crossroads” at Institute of Contemporary Arts, Singapore.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
A - Visual Art
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract