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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Southampton Solent University

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Output 26 of 81 in the submission
Title and brief description

KikiT VisuoSonic Performance – real-time interactive staging for The Orient House Ensemble

I - Performance
London International Jazz Festival, Arts Depot, West Finchley,
Year of first performance
Number of additional authors
Additional information

KikiT VisuoSonic is a research Group consisting of Russell Richards, Sarah Hand, and Maurice Owen. For this performance my contribution consisted of concept development and film and stills-image production for the back projected interactive staging, which formed the visual backdrop to The Orient House performance and responded to the musicians in real-time.

The group’s leader, Gilad Atzmon, is an Israeli Jew who promotes the rights of Palestinians through his music and lecture tours. The collaboration enabled me to explore ways of using interactive visuals to represent issues from the Arab – Israeli conflict, in a way that complemented the intense style of both Atzmon and his band. The performance carried extra significance because it was the centrepiece of their 10th Anniversary.

Techniques were developed to allow multiple-layers of video to be applied to interactive audio-visuals, resulting in a number of technological firsts that were premiered during the performance. These enabled a dynamic re-presentation of images, themes and iconographies that paralleled the musical content.

The London Jazz Festival … “has grown to be not only London's largest city-wide music festival, but one of the major international jazz events" (LJF Website 2012).

Cross-referral requested
Research group
D - Interactive Media
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract