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Output details

30 - History

University of South Wales

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Book title

Outcast Europe: Refugees and Relief Workers in an Era of Total War, 1936-1948

A - Authored book
Publisher of book
Continuum Publishing
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

The writing of Outcast Europe was a co-operative enterprise.

In terms of the research: Gemie consulted Spanish-language texts, UNRRA diaries and French archival documentation. Reid consulted Quaker archives, French archives and Red Cross archives. Humbert consulted French archives and UNRRA archives in New York. Ingram consulted film archives. Gemie, Reid and Humbert each contributed about 30% to the research, Ingram 10%.

However, in terms of scholarly input to the authorship: Gemie contributed 50% to the authorship of the manuscript, Reid 40% and Humbert 10%.

Outcast Europe analyses the developing relationship between refugees and relief workers. It considers several waves of refugees and similar people: Spanish republicans in 1939, French evacuees in 1939—40, internal French refugees in 1940, exiled people in France 1940—41, then Displaced Persons in Germany after 1945. It also contrasts the small-scale, often private or municipal, often religious charities of the pre-1940 years with UNRRA, the first

professional and international relief agency.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
1 - History Research Group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract