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29 - English Language and Literature

University of Exeter

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CloudPad documentation and archiving tool

T - Other form of assessable output
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Cloud-based documentation and archiving tool
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The CloudPad is an output of the RCUK-funded Horizon digital economy research programme for which Giannachi is principal investigator at Exeter (2009-14). The CloudPad is a documentation and archiving tool, which utilises cloud computing to enable users to annotate time-based media entities (video, photographs, sound and text) and link them to existing digital resources. CloudPad, which was developed collaboratively with Duncan Rowland, Dominic Price and Steve Benford, from the Department of Computer Science at University of Nottingham, was written about in two journal articles [1;4] and presented at three conferences [2;3;5]. Giannachi’s contribution was to develop the theoretical framework underpinning the documentation and archive, carry out the documentation of an artwork, in collaboration with staff from the Ludwig Boltzman Institute – Media.Art.Research, carry out its evaluation with Stanford Libraries and lead the dissemination [1-5].

[1] Giannachi, G., Rowland, D., Benford, S., Foster, J., Adams, M., Chamberlain, A. (2010) ‘Blast Theory’s Rider Spoke, its Documentation and the Making of its Replay Archive’, Contemporary Theatre Review, 3:20, 353-67.

[2] Giannachi, G., Rowland, D., Benford, S., Price, D. (2010) ‘The Documentation and Archiving of Mixed Media Experiences, The Case of Rider Spoke’, Digital Futures 2010. 20% acceptance.

[3] Giannachi, G. Lowood, H., Rowand, D., Benford, S., Price, D. (2011) CloudPad: a Cloud-based Documentation and Archiving Tool for Mixed Reality Artworks’, Digital Humanities, Stanford, 19-22 June 2011.

[4] Giannachi, G., Benford, S. Lowood, H., Price, D., Rowland, D., Worthey, G. (2012) 'Documenting Mixed Reality Performance: the case of CloudPad', Digital Creativity, August 2012, 1-17.

[5] Giannachi, G. (2013) ‘Documenting the user-experience: the cases of Blast Theory’s Rider Spoke, Tate’s Art Maps, RAMM’s Moor Stories and Time Trails’, opening keynote for Performing Documentation in the Conservation of Contemporary Art’, Lisbon, 20-21 June 2013, funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).

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Research group
3 - Film and Visual Culture
Proposed double-weighted
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English abstract