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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

University of Huddersfield

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J - Composition
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Fluence was commissioned by Ergodos with funds from the Arts Council Ireland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon and was premiered at Ergodos Festival MMX by Jonathan Sage. Fluence has been performed at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, Late Music Concert Series, Sound and Computing Music Conference, the International Computer Music Conference (2011), Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre: Vanishing Point, and at concerts in Scarborough, Basel, Edinburgh, and Seoul. Fluence deals with the combination and opposition of two different conceptions of musical thinking: one based on grids and rational relationships, the other on a more flexible sense of time and pitch, with a focus on timbral exploration. The electronic part in Fluence is constructed in realtime from unprocessed clarinet samples. A system of gestural representation and realisation is employed, designed to correspond closely to the musical thinking underpinning the construction of the clarinet line. This system enables the realisation of gestural control streams that have pre-determined shape but vary in detail each time they are realised. These control various musical parameters, including playback amplitudes, panning, filter frequencies and sample choice, which is the result of database searching using music information retrieval techniques. Corroborating research is supported through the following portfolio items: 1) Harker, A., ‘Navigating Sample-Based Music: Immediacy and Musical Control in Recent Electronic Works’, also presented at the ‘Les espaces sonores’ symposium, Hochschule für Musik Basel, December 2012. 2) AHarker Externals, 83 externals for MaxMSP. Substantially the result of work to realise Fluence, this package addresses requirements for a system of gestural representation and production, lightweight music information retrieval tools, realtime alteration of the audio chain and efficient buffer storage/playback. It has received over a thousand downloads and is used at research centres including SARC, CNMAT, BEAST, Elektronisches Studio Basel and CITAR, and by industry professionals (e.g. Smadsteck).

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract