Outputs (REF2)
22 - Social Work and Social Policy
University of Stirling
Showing outputs 1 - 50 of 110
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Children's Geographies
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Surveillance and Society
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Ethics and Social Welfare
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Social Policy and Administration
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Mental Health and Substance Use
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Historical Methods
Output type
D - Journal article
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Dementia, International Journal of Research and Practice
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
European Educational Research Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Mental Health and Substance Use
Output type
D - Journal article
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Current Sociology
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Social Policy and Administration
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Journal of Social Work
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Social Work
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Surveillance and Society
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research
Output type
D - Journal article
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Critical Social Policy
Output type
A - Authored book
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Journal of Social Work
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Social Policy and Society
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International journal of therapeutic communities
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Drug Policy
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Critical Social Policy
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Sociological Research Online
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Output type
A - Authored book
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Information Communication and Society
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Housing, Theory and Society
Output type
A - Authored book
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
West European Politics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Journal of Social Work
Output type
A - Authored book
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Public Policy and Administration
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Social Science and Medicine
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Emotion, Space and Society
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Child and Family Welfare
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Ageing and Society
Output type
C - Chapter in book
Volume title
Demographic Aspects of Migration
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Public Policy and Administration
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Public Administration
Showing outputs 1 - 50 of 110