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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

London Metropolitan University

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Book title

Patrick Jolley: All that Falls

A - Authored book
Publisher of book
Gandon Editions, Kinsale
ISBN of book
Year of publication
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This research output is the first major monograph on Irish artist Patrick Jolley (1965-2012), representing Ireland in 2012 at Sao Paulo Biennale.

The book, a collaboration with the artist and de Oliveira/Oxley over four years, examines the relationships between moving images and text.

The research builds a broader cultural framework and set of references around the artist's work, including critical theory, philosophy, and literature. In this way the reader is invited to undertake a wider, open-ended reading of the work, where meaning is circumstantial and implicit, rather than explicit.

The collaborative writing practice of de Oliveira/Oxley since 2006, develops key themes of habitat, gravity, and the inhuman, arguing that much of what can be written about a work of art is of an indirect nature, ‘a sharpening to-and-fro’ between image and text.

De Oliveira presented research for the book in a paper at the international Symposium 'Habitus in Habitat: The Other Side of Cognition' at Zentrum fuer Literatur und Kunstwissenschaft, Berlin School of Mind (Charite Museum, Berlin, 2010). The research paper was published in the book 'Habitus in Habitat: The Other Side of Cognition', Peter Lang, Bern (pp.75-88).

The Book was launched at the Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin, 2012, and Jolley's retrospective at Limerick City Art Gallery, 2013, where de Oliveira lectured on the collaborative relationship, followed by a panel discussion with director Helen Carey.

A further book by de Oliveira/Oxley on Jolley, ‘The Door Ajar’ (Gandon Editions, 2011) launched at Dublin Biennale with a series of readings by actors Marcus Lamb and Olwen Fouére extends the collaboration. This documentary/fiction was based on their research in to Antonin Artaud, the subject of Jolley's 90 minute feature film funded by the Irish Film Board.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract