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5 - Biological Sciences

King's College London

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Title or brief description

Cell and Devices

F - Patent/published patent application
Patent registration number
WO 2012/052727 A2
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The patent application reports one set of in vitro experiments, which helped us to show that control of muscle contractions through optogenetic ES cell-derived motor neurons in feasible in principle. The generation of such an interface between stem cell-derived neurons and muscle, and that it can be used to pace muscle with an artificial control system, is the key idea of the patent application.

We first established recombinant mouse ES cell clones that carry a motor neuron specific reporter transgene, Hb9::CD2-GFP, as well as a doxycycline-inducible molecular photosensor, Ch2R(H134R)-YFP. Next, we differentiated these ES cells into motor neurons in embryoid body (EB) cultures, using established protocols. The EBs were then cocultured with embryonic muscle fibres derived from primary mouse satellite cells. Motor axons grew out of the EBs and formed contacts with the muscle fibres which resembled neuromuscular junctions. Furthermore, optical stimulation of the cultures with blue light induced muscle contractions, as measured by displacement of the myofibres.

I contributed by planning and performing most of the experiments, with the exception of the primary myofibre dissection (Robert White, Zammit group) and video microscopy of optogenetic stimulation (Juan Burrone). These results support the claim made in the patent application, as they are, to my knowledge, the first demonstration of optogenetic control of myofibres by ES cell-derived motor neurons.

Since then, we (Greensmith and Lieberam groups) have shown that optogenetic control of muscle function works in vivo, but these experiments were performed recently and are not part of the patent application.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
I - Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurodegeneration.
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract