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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Queen's University Belfast

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AHRC–DFG-Projekt "Lieder der Revolution von 1848 und ihre Rezeptionsgeschichte in Deutschland"

H - Website content
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This output constitutes a website of commentaries and critical scholarly editions tracing the history of reception of representative songs of the 1848 Revolution. It forms a project within the online 'Historisch-kritisches Liederlexikon' of the Deutsches Volksliedarchiv ( . Between 2008 and 2012 Robb was funded firstly by the British Academy and then by the AHRC and the DFG for this collaborative project with Eckhard John of the DVA. The 'Liederlexikon' structure which sets song commentary alongside critical scholarly editions enables the adoption of an interdisciplinary approach combining literary, musical and historical analyses. One of the most significant pieces is the extended essay on '"For a' that" und "Trotz alledem"’ (an English translation of which appeared in MLR, 106, 1, 2011, pp. 17-46). This is the first complete account of the evolution of this song from its origins in Scotland to its adaptation in Germany.

This collaboration brings together Robb’s interdisciplinary (music and text-based) approach to song analysis with Eckhard John’s experience in archival research and critical scholarly editions. In essence, however, both Robb and John collaborated on all aspects of this research project. Between September 2008 and September 2012 Robb made over thirty 1-week-long visits to the DVA in Freiburg where he worked with John supported by research assistants Ziemann and Bertleff. Robb researched and interpreted the origins and historical developments of the songs. John provided additional historical research and interpretation. Robb was chiefly responsible for the sections on the post Second World War period. John took charge of the final editing. Robb wrote the vast majority of the aforementioned extended essay '"For a' that" und "Trotz alledem"' particularly the first chapter on the Scottish reception and the final one on the post-WWII reception. The middle section was a collaboration between Robb and John.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract

This on-line project consists of commentaries and critical editions of the songs of the 'Vormaerz' and the 1848 Revolution which have shaped the cultural memory of this period in Germany. Considering both textual and musical developments the research deals with the history of reception of key 1848 songs by established and anonymous poets. These have formed an enduring corpus in the repertoires of singers of German political song. One of the findings is how songs are not static: they evolve musically and textually and can undergo changes of function during a process of historical reception which is often ideologically motivated.<br/>