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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Wales Trinity Saint David (joint submission with Cardiff Metropolitan University and University of South Wales)

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Title and brief description

Open Books:


Funding: Wales Arts International and Sangshang Museum of Contemporary Art and the HUI Gallery in Hong Kong

M - Exhibition
Sangshang Museum of Contemporary Art and others
Year of first exhibition
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Williams was invited by curator Mary Husted to contribute to Open Books, an exhibition of Chinese ink paintings and folding books from the early twentieth century to the present. The exhibition is part of Decanter Ink, an annual programme organized by Sanshang Museum of Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China, to promote ideas about Chinese ink painting and culture. Williams’s contribution extends her interest in the capacity of art to express or address personal and group identities amidst competing political, social and cultural forces. Her book explores Chinese women’s conceptions of their sexuality, especially when they are confronted by Western representations of women, and in relation to differences between male–female communication in China and the West. The book continues Williams’s creation of forms that can display tension or unease through the mixing of media, also evident in her other REF submission. In this case, she combines pictures from western magazines with imagery found on the streets of China. The exhibition opened at Sanshang Museum of Contemporary Art in November 2013, and there is an accompanying catalogue, produced by the museum. From there, the exhibition will tour to Australia (Logan Art Gallery, Queensland), Hong Kong (Hui Gallery, Chinese University of Hong Kong) India and the USA over the next two years.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract