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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Leeds Beckett University

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Output 22 of 43 in the submission
Title and brief description

Leave Blank: in collaboration with Patricia Azevedo. Work confronting issues of immigration

M - Exhibition
The Northern Art Prize, Leeds Art Gallery: Platforma Rochelle School, Club Row Gallery, London: Crunchtime2010, York: Exchange Mechanism, Belfast Exposed, Belfast: Bed-in, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool
Year of first exhibition
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Made in collaboration with Professor Patricia Azevedo, of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, ‘Leave Blank’ is a provocative long-term project which takes many forms – actions and interventions in the street, a blog, poster works, a three dimensional artwork and an artists’ bookwork. As a proposal of a world in which people can move freely across borders, it is a way of generating conversations about immigration - a subject about which everyone seems to have thoughts, questions and experiences, but which could do with more careful small-scale discussion, particularly in conversations between strangers.

The idea of free movement of peoples is easily dismissed as impractical or naïve. However there are many examples of a naïve idea becoming mainstream. Imagine a conversation in 1860:

A “Women having the vote! Impossible! Half of them can’t read. How would they know what they were voting for?”

B (feigning delight at A’s reasoning) “Good idea. As well as the electoral system, we have to change the education system - and maybe some other things too.”

So (to echo our imaginary interlocutor) as well as taking about a world in which people can move freely across borders, it is imperative that we also talk about the changes that would make such a world possible. ‘Leave Blank’ functions to generate and sustain such discussions.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract