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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Leeds Beckett University

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Output 26 of 43 in the submission
Title and brief description

On Dilettantism

M - Exhibition
ACC Galerie, Weimar, and Halle 14 Leipzig. 2012
Year of first exhibition
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Talk and performance: Festival of Dilettantism Halle 14 Leipzig. 2012

Initially, asked to show a piece of work in a group show, On Dilettantism , curated by ACC Galerie Director Frank Motz, it quickly turned into a mini solo show within a group show, with 7 large-scale works of mine showing, including a collaboration with current Turner Prize nominee Laure Prouvost. One new work took up half of the 8,000 square foot venue.

The show moved across two venues in Germany, AAC Galerie, Weimar, and Halle 14 in Leipzig.

In Liepzig a Festival of Dilettantism was curated alongside the show, timed to coincide with their 6-monthly Art weekend. For this I was invited out to do an artist talk, and I was commissioned to make a new performance in response to the Festival.

The performance, (repeated in the Gallery the next day), involved me being put on the bill of a Classical Music Recital, playing a 15 minute Beethoven piece (Moonlight Sonata) on the piano in front of an unsuspecting classical audience, when I know nothing about playing piano, (gaining me an extra, if surprised, audience to my work). A film of the performance has since been shown in V1 Gallery Copenhagen, and Baró Gallery São Paulo, Brazil, and I have been commissioned, and as a result of this performance, to contribute to a festival celebrating 200 years since Wagner’s birth, curated by his great-grand daughter Nike Wagner.

Documentation of the show and Festival was circulated widely by Halle 14 newsletter, and on its own site:

and a sizable review was written largely about my work following an interview:

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract