Output details
29 - English Language and Literature
University of Gloucestershire
Staging the Old Faith: Queen Henrietta Maria and the Theatre of Caroline England, 1625-1642
Staging the Old Faith is the first monograph to examine Caroline theatre as a space which staged the concerns of English Catholics. Before exploration of the drama and writing could begin a lengthy period of data collection was essential to enable a proper contextualisation of this community within the complexities of the wider religious landscape. All relevant printed matter (c.20,000 items) listed in the English Short Title Catalogue from 1620 to 1650 was analysed: sermons, diaries, household-manuals, religio-political tracts. Additionally, examination was made of the complex collection of manuscripts (in French, Latin and English) held at Westminster Cathedral Archive (c.1200 items) comprising recusant letters, priestly correspondence and official documents.