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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Ulster

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Article title

Beyond the shadow space: architecture as a professional and creative process; during and post-conflict

D - Journal article
Title of journal
The Journal of Architecture
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The article, co-authored by Mackel with Prof Ruth Morrow, Queen’s University Belfast, focuses on three areas.

Firstly, a closer reading of the long-term physical impact of conflict, in particular, the spatial forms and practices that persist conceptually and culturally, and / or resist re-conceptualisation.

Secondly, the effect of conflict on the nature of architectural practice itself, considering whether issues such as appointment and procurement impacted on architectural expectation and the context of operation.

Thirdly, the impact of conflict on people, in particular in relation to creativity and hence the psyche of practice itself.

The publication is part of a larger body of work led by Mackel on this subject including

Mackel, Ciaran (2010) Impact of the conflict on public space and architecture: A Troubles Archive Essay. Arts Council of Northern Ireland. Belfast. 27 pages ISBN 0-903203-08-1 [Book (authored)]

Mackel, Ciaran (2011) La manifestazione fisica del conflitto nel costruito - The physcial manifestation of conflict on built form. Urbanistica, 148 (Oct - Dec 2011). pp 46 -49. [Journal article]

O'Kane Boal, Marianne, Mackel, Ciaran, Russell, Jenny, Dudek, Mark, Tipton, Gemma and Chiles, Prue (2012) "But what are we actually saying to our kids?" A consideration of the spatial perceptions of children and our architectural response. In: Building Our Children's Future. (Eds: O'Kane Boal, Marianne), PLACE, Belfast, pp 17-26. ISBN 978-0-9558728-4-6 [Book section]

Cross-referral requested
Research group
E - Space and Place
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract