Output details
35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts
University of Huddersfield
Fusil is a portfolio of semi-improvised work presented in two CDs and a series of videos which span both straight improvisation and improvisation to audiovisuals. The link between all works presented is the exploration of the instrumentality of the laptop both as a sound and video performance instrument versus traditional acoustic players, this is explained in the underpinning articles. Materials: 1)‘Proyecto FUSIL’ [CD] (Bilbao, Spain, 2011, by KLEM-Kuraia Laboratorio de Electrónica Musical- funded by the dept. of culture of the Basque Country and supported by ARU) 2) Fusil:FLIX (ZAWP, 2013) [CD-Download] 3) A playlist of videos showing FUSIL in performance, including the use of Video and Live Coding In FUSIL, d’Escriván arranges, scores and directs the semi-improvisatory pieces. The resulting practice-led research mentioned below explores audiovisuals in performance in the style of what film director Peter Greenaway has called Live Cinema , it also explores the computer as instrument and its virtuosity. In particular, item no.1 draws its research questions from recent concert work with FUSIL in Spain, England and Brazil (and most importantly on 24th November 2012 at the 30Th Bienal de São Paulo, Brazil). Underpinning Articles: 1. d'Escrivan, J. and Adkins, M. (2013) ‘Stream-Form and the loss of traditional virtuosity: thoughts and a method’ MONO Journal, Portugal (ed. Miguel Carvalhais). 2. d'Escrivan, J. (2011) 'Anotaciones sobre Interactividad entre las artes del sonido y el performance audiovisual, partiendo del 'Live Cinema'.' in En El Límite: Escritos sobre arte, ciencia y tecnología. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Departamento De Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Lanús (in Spanish) ISSN 2250-6136 3. d’Escrivan (2012) ‘Live Cinema? A composer’s thoughts about a musical new media approach to the performing of audiovisuals.’ IV Seminar of Music Science Technology: Frontiers and Ruptures, Sao Paulo, Brazil, ISSN 1982-9604.