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Output details

33 - Theology and Religious Studies

University of Birmingham

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Book title

Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History

B - Edited book
Publisher of book
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Thomas was intimately involved in all five volumes in this submission, not only as project director and supervisor of each stage of the writing and editorial process, but also as author of a number of entries in each volume. The main concentration of entries by him is in volume 1, covering the period 600-900. Here he was responsible for the Foreword and Introduction, and in addition for 25 of the total 174 entries. These are on Muslim authors writing in Arabic, and representative among them are the entries on Abu al-Hudhayl al-‘Allaf, ‘Ali al-Tabari and Abu ‘Isa al-Warraq.

If only one of the double-weighting requests is accepted, ‘Christian voices in Muslim theology’ should be assessed as reserve.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement

The five volumes in this submission, totalling nearly 4,500 pages, provide authoritative accounts and analyses of all known works by Christians and Muslims about and against one another in the period 600-1500. Comprising over a thousand entries and introductory essays, they are the combined work of hundreds of individual authors under the supervision of an international team of six specialists. Thomas, the project director, framed the structure of each entry, corresponded directly with authors, oversaw the bibliographical checking and editorial work, and made the indexes. In addition, he wrote two introductory essays and about ten percent of the entries themselves.

Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract