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Output details

29 - English Language and Literature

Birkbeck College

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Book title

Leaving Eden

A - Authored book
Publisher of book
Salt Publishing
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This book of poems seeks to investigate the idea of the ‘self-in-love’. This self is investigated through a postmodern and feminist prism. The poems draw on the poetic traditions of representation of the self-in-love, including 11th/12th-century Japanese poet Lady Suwo, 11th-century Chinese poet Li-Ching Chao, Catullus, Joachim du Bellay and Shakespeare, and are influenced by the linguistic and formal experiments of the mid-twentieth-century poets, such as Lowell, Bishop, Stevens and Frost. These poems set out to explore how the formal constraints of the dramatic monologue and the lyric poem might be revitalized in the construction of the idea of the ‘self-in-love’ through a feminist lens. The poems in this book aim to contribute to the poetry of ideas movement in the work of contemporary poets like Gjertrud Schnackenberg, and to re-enliven the classical tradition as in the works of a poet such as Anne Carson

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English abstract