Impact (REF3a/b)
4 - Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
University of Oxford
Impact template (REF3a)
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All impact case studies
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Individual case studies
UOA04-03: Promoting Community Cohesion and Social Integration through Inter-Group Contact (150K)
UOA04-04: Eating Disorders: The Development and Dissemination of Effective Treatments (153K)
UOA04-05: Development and Demonstration of the First Effective Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (153K)
UOA04-06: Withdrawal of Co-Proxamol: A Successful International Suicide Prevention Initiative (152K)
UOA04-07: Paracetamol Self-Poisoning: Long-term Effect of Reducing Pack Sizes on Suicides (356K)
UOA04-08: Rapid Prediction and Screening of Novel Antidepressant Drugs: The Emotional Test Battery (179K)