Output details
13 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials
University of Greenwich
A numerical model coupling Thermoelectricity, Magnetohydrodynamics and dendritic growth
This article demonstrates the potential of interdendritic solute micro-convection generated by crossing thermoelectric currents with an external magnetic field in altering alloy microstructure. These effects have been observed in practice (contact: Yves.Fautrelle@simap.grenoble-inp.fr, SIMAP Director), but not adequately explained. A fully coupled 3D numerical simulation offers an explanation based on the physics of the problem. The potential of this additional microstructure control has been recognised and it is now the subject of an EPSRC research project EP/K011413/1, (Disruptive Solidification Microstructures via Thermoelectric Control, £279k)