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Output details

11 - Computer Science and Informatics

Edge Hill University

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Output title

Leveraging Smart Monitoring and Home Security Technology for Assisted Living Support - A Vision for the Future

E - Conference contribution
Name of conference/published proceedings
Science and Information Conference 2013
Volume number
Issue number
First page of article
ISSN of proceedings
Year of publication
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Additional information

<21> This peer-reviewed paper describes collaborative research in Assisted Living with Securecom Ltd specializing in developing remote monitoring systems for the security industry. It presents the approach taken in researching, initially as part of a KTP, the requirements for leveraging the company’s expertise to enable it move into the Assisted Living arena with local councils as its main customer base. The research output became the ‘blueprint’ for Securecom’s growth strategy and contributed to the development of company’s smart monitoring and ‘adaptive lifestyle pattern recognition’ technology. An extended version of this paper is selected as a book chapter in Springer book series.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
2 - Distributed and Creative Technologies
Citation count
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract