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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Royal Academy of Music

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Output 21 of 68 in the submission
Title or brief description

English Viola Sonatas

Q - Digital or visual media
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This CD aimed to present a mix of unrecorded works by well-known composers, together with two arrangements of cello sonatas for viola, both widely recorded only on their original instrument. The disc also draws upon broader research in the history of the Royal Academy of Music and the work of Lionel Tertis. At the time of choosing the repertoire only the Berkeley (another Academy figure) was available on CD and the Arnold on vinyl.

The Ireland arrangement was made with the composer's blessing by Tertis, who also arranged two of Delius's violin sonatas and it is hoped that the present arrangement would have been similarly sanctioned by the composer. For the Gordon Jacob Sonata Outram was able to correct the published score in preparation for the recording, as he had sight of the composer's original manuscript. Outram had access to Tertis's own performing part of the Ireland Sonata; it was clear that Tertis saw the transcription process as ongoing, with many examples of altered bowing, phrasing and dynamic markings in evidence in comparison with the printed score and part. Outram took these into account for the recording, but did not accept all of Tertis's deviations from the composer's original text. The Delius Sonata is a world premiere recording; Outram finished the transcription at the end of 2008. The Sonata by Lennox Berkeley was written for the eminent Scottish violist Watson Forbes in 1944. Outram has been teaching this work for many years. Again, he had sight of a photocopy of the composer's manuscript of this work and corrected several small errors in the printed score. More tantalising was the discovery of a rejected Finale. This had many corrections and Outram decided that this should not be included on the disc, being far from finished by the composer.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract