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Output details

20 - Law

University of Nottingham

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Output 27 of 172 in the submission
Book title

Competitive dialogue in EU procurement

B - Edited book
Publisher of book
Cambridge University Press
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Arrowsmith conceived, designed, generated funding (including a CASE PhD studentship) and directed the research project leading to this output and recruited its participants and authors. She also devised the detailed templates used to structure the research in each of the individual countries examined and to produce detailed written findings. This involved, inter alia, elaborating the key themes, concepts and issues (cutting across divergent local terminology and legal doctrine). To facilitate discussion of work in progress and provisional findings Arrowsmith organised a workshop (c.20 participants) and also a conference (c.300 participants) under the auspices of the EU-funded international Asia-Link project on public procurement (for which she was principal investigator) at which this study was one of the major themes. At the drafting stage, Arrowsmith reviewed and extensively edited each chapter to ensure rigorous compliance with the template (as well as soliciting missing information and further elaboration of points where necessary) to ensure coordinated chapters within a coherent edited volume and to provide the information needed for the analysis in chapter 1. The co-editor, Treumer, was responsible mainly for technical editing and administrative co-ordination.

In addition to her managing editorial role, Arrowsmith herself co-authored (50% contribution) 270pp of the book’s 527pp, comprising the synthesising ch.1 (analysing the EU regime on competitive dialogue and drawing on individual country findings) and ch.3 (the United Kingdom country chapter).

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract