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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Loughborough University

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Article title

Collection of anthropometry from older and physically impaired persons: Traditional methods versus TC² 3-D body scanner

D - Journal article
Title of journal
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
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This international journal paper (double-blind peer reviewed) details research into the collection of body size (anthropometry) data from older and physically impaired people. The data were used to support the development of a new inclusive design software package (HADRIAN). Data were collected using traditional manual techniques as well as using a 3D whole body scanning system. The research explores how this technology can be adapted to work for people with disabilities. HADRIAN represents the first human modelling software to combine individual datasets for particular people together with a task analysis method that allows for the automatic evaluation of the accessibility of concept designs in a Computer Aided Design environment. Funded by EPSRC through the ‘EQUAL’ (1999-2002, £260K) and ‘Sustainable Urban Environment’ (2003-2007, £297K) programmes, this research builds upon our 40+ years of experience in developing and applying the SAMMIE human modelling tool, (see This paper details one aspect of a large multidisciplinary and on-going body of work and is No. 11 of 14 journal papers that have resulted from this research. The research has also produced 2 PhDs, 2 book chapters, and over 30 conference papers and invited presentations at workshops and other events.

Cross-referral requested
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Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
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English abstract