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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Loughborough University

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Output 33 of 206 in the submission
Title or brief description

Checking the checklist: The effect of training on the application and effectiveness of checklist-based risk assessments

N - Research report for external body
Commissioning body
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Number of additional authors
Additional information

This report details research comprising a longitudinal study into the design of the content, order and presentation of checklists for worker health and the effectiveness of different design and training strategies, funded by the UK Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Checklists are universally used by government and other agencies to identify risk factors likely to cause injury in occupational settings, but they are demonstrably ineffective. The design recommendations for the optimised checklist feed directly into the UK Health and Safety Executive toolkit through the potential improvements to the currently recommended Assessment of Repetitive Tasks “ART” tool, which itself was aimed at heightening the visual impact and appeal of otherwise unappealing resources. IOSH is the world’s largest safety membership organisation and is the first European safety agency to be granted NGO status. The report of this work therefore has potential worldwide dissemination and effect, and is recognised by governments and occupational safety agencies. Implementation of these findings, through informing the training process will help to significantly reduce long term industrial injury.

The report is to be published by IOSH and a link available from their website ( shortly (written confirmation received from IOSH)

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract