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Output details

35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Manchester Metropolitan University

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Book title

The Routledge Drama Anthology and Sourcebook: From Modernism to Contemporary Performance

B - Edited book
Publisher of book
Routledge: London
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

The development of the anthology, from conception to publication, took four years, and its publication was also contingent on the successful conclusion of extended international consultation within the discipline. As a curatorial project, the two co-editors collaborated in the selection, editing and the commissioning of new translations of plays and performance texts, manifestos and critical texts (56 in total), together with key judgements relating to the interpretative framing of these texts. Deeney’s authorial contribution to the anthology is made up of one solo-authored and two co-authored critical introductions, each involving the analysis of divergent developments in modern western theatre practice.

The co-editing of this output involved the curating, editing and the commissioning of new translations of plays and performance texts, manifestos and critical texts, including key judgements relating to the over-arching interpretative framing of these texts. This is distinct from Output 2, which consists of a solo-authored investigation and analysis of specific inter-related textual, theatre and performance practices – informed by a research and knowledge base that is comprised of, but also extends beyond, the specific contents of Output 1.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
B - Practice based Research (PbR)
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract