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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Central Lancashire

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Title and brief description

Rheinwarts - retrospective exhibition of ten years work, collaborative painting project

L - Artefact
Museum Zündorfer Wehrturm, Köln
Year of production
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Clarke’s research investigates authorship developing collaborative strategies for exhibition and creative dialogue. Specifically, Clarke makes paintings, prints and installations with Georg Gartz (Köln) exploring collaborative strategies within contemporary practice questioning individuality and authorship in a European context. Through dialogue, practice and critique of their educational histories they interrogate the practice of painting through the methodology of challenging the notion of a single fixed authorial point of view. The process of applying paint to canvas becomes a discursive act, a kind of visual meditation, an amalgam of differing cultural perspectives.

With ‘Rheinwarts”, Clarke and Gartz were invited to present the ‘Retrospective of Ten Years of Collaboration’ featuring the paintings ‘Rheinwärts’. These new transcriptions and re-invented images compared and contrasted significant works by Turner as he travelled along the Rhine and Mosel exploring the German landscape. Clarke and Gartz revisited these iconic places depicted in Turner’s paintings and sketchbooks as a metaphor for German and English influence. The ‘Rheinwärts’ exhibition included an illustrated catalogue with contextual essay written by Anke von Heyl, Art Historian on the ‘Collaborative Painting Project by Clarke & Gartz’. A recent collaborative exhibition by Clarke & Gartz was ‘ist am Rhein so schön?’ at Kunstverein ( Köln) 2011.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
4 - Collaborative Engagements
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract