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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Bangor University

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Title and brief description

Shadow Piano: Performance practice in new works for piano and electronics

I - Performance
Year of first performance
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Performance practice in new works for piano and electronics

Research Questions

Despite the fact that performance with electronics is a rapidly growing field, the traditional mode of presentation for contemporary classical electronic music is through loudspeakers with no human performer present on stage. As a result, very little research has been done from the performer's perspective, and new works often employ inefficient and unergonomic approaches. The goals of this project were identify successful performance practice approaches when working with new technologies, such as synchronisation methods with the computer, practice techniques, ergonomic physical coordination with new devices such as MIDI pedals and external interfaces, and rehearsal methods.


This project focused on practice-as-research approaches from the point of view of a performing musician investigating contemporary repertories and new technologies. Initial research involved identifying and compiling a comprehensive list of existing repertoire for piano and live electronics (available online at, learning a selection of representative works at the piano, rehearsing synchronisation strategies with the computer and performing these for international audiences, commissioning new works in collaboration with leading composers in the field Andrew Lewis (Schattenklavier for piano and computer), Katharine Norman (Fuga Interna for piano and fixed media), Scott Wilson (On the Impossibility of Reflection for piano and SuperCollider software) and John Young (X for piano and triggered electroacoustic sound) and documenting the results via studio recordings and publications.

Means of Dissemination

Publications, concerts, recordings

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract