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Impact (REF3a/b)

2 - Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Impact template (REF3a)

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Individual case studies

Cancer survival: impact on cancer control policy in England (154K)

Controlling the hepatitis B virus in Africa and preventing unnecessary expenditure (111K)

Developing a new approach to malaria prevention in children: seasonal malaria chemoprevention in West Africa (125K)

Encouraging adoption of new children’s vaccines through the development of methods for decision support modelling (112K)

Enhancing evidence-based policy decisions for neonatal and child survival in the highest mortality countries (172K)

Expanding access to effective antimalarial treatment through the private sector (144K)

Identifying and promoting a new trauma treatment which could save over 100,000 lives a year (119K)

Improving access to mental health care in low- and middle-income countries (167K)

Improving the control of blindness in children in low- and middle-income countries through programmes, policy and legislation (127K)

Improving treatment of hypertension in the very elderly (150K)

Influencing EU and national policy on patient mobility within Europe (160K)

Influencing the widespread adoption of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in low- and middle-income countries (131K)

Informing policy and decision-making on vitamin A supplementation for mothers and children (200K)

Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria control (114K)

Introducing patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) into the NHS (187K)

Isoniazid preventive therapy for people with HIV (148K)

Male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy (159K)

Preventing disease through promotion of handwashing with soap (116K)

Preventing HIV in African adolescents (163K)

Reducing the overdiagnosis of malaria and improving case management of fever in East and West Africa (156K)

Scaling up insecticide treated net coverage: evidence to support strategic policy decisions and investment (122K)

Screening for TB in people living with HIV (41K)

Securing action to address the health needs of trafficked women (163K)

Smoking cessation support by text message: the impact of the txt2stop trial (109K)

Supporting decision-making on the introduction of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine in low- and middle-income countries (126K)

Supporting influenza pandemic preparedness (162K)

The technology of insecticide treated nets for malaria control (129K)