Outputs (REF2)
19 - Business and Management Studies
University of Stirling
Showing outputs 1 - 50 of 137
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Business Research
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Marketing Theory
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Human Resource Management Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Accounting History Review
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Labour Economics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Marketing Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Critical Perspectives on Accounting
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Work, Employment and Society
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Review of Financial Analysis
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Accounting Historians Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Affective Disorders
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Review of Financial Analysis
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Scandinavian Journal of Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Economics Letters
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Social Science & Medicine
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Accounting Review
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
African Development Review
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Work and Occupations
Output type
C - Chapter in book
Volume title
The Routledge Companion to Accounting History
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Accounting Forum
Output type
N - Research report for external body
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
European Review of Agricultural Economics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Marketing Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Business Ethics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
The International Journal of Logistics Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Banking & Finance
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Financial Forecasting
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Economics Letters
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Health Economics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Accounting
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
American Journal of Agricultural Economic
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Energy Economics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Accounting and Business Research
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Economic Modelling
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Tobacco Control
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
New Technology, Work and Employment
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Marketing Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Economic Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Economic Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Health Economics
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Economic Geography
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Economic Modelling
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Journal of Management
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Land Economics
Showing outputs 1 - 50 of 137