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Output details

11 - Computer Science and Informatics

Imperial College London

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Output 44 of 201 in the submission
Output title

Camdoop: Exploiting In-network Aggregation for Big Data Applications

E - Conference contribution
Name of conference/published proceedings
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation NSDI 12
Volume number
Issue number
First page of article
ISSN of proceedings
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

<06>This paper introduces a novel approach that significantly improves the performance of large-scale data analytics jobs by performing aggregation within the network as opposed to end-hosts only. By exploiting application knowledge, it represents a net departure from common practice that ships bits across the network. This enables up to two orders of magnitude better performance than traditional MapReduce cluster. The insights from this work have been instrumental to obtain two recent grants by EPSRC (NaaS, EP/K032968/1: £666K) and EU (HARNESS, £447K) as well as a PhD fellowship from Google. Usenix acceptance: 17.7%/169

Cross-referral requested
Research group
B - Distributed Software Engineering
Citation count
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract