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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Lincoln

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Book title

Understanding creative businesses: Values, networks, and innovation

A - Authored book
Publisher of book
Gower Books
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information


The book both consolidates and builds upon previous research outputs; specifically New Spectacles for Juliette: Values and Ethics for Creative Business, Shorthose & Maycroft (2011) and Soul Food, and Music: Research and Innovation for Creative Business, Errington, Maycroft & Shorthose (2008).


This output is underpinned by a number of research activities and approaches. Firstly, empirical research undertaken in the East Midland's creative industries by Shorthose, much of it funded from a variety of research grants; secondly, pedagogic research and practice undertaken by Maycroft at the University of Lincoln, specifically in the context of the studio-based MA Design programme and thirdly, theoretical research across a variety of disciplines including philosophy of knowledge, political theory, economics, and the cultural industries.

It represents an ambitious synthesis of sources and methodologies including social science, humanities and artistic approaches.


These strands of inquiry and varied methodologies come together in the book, which is both an intellectual and practical guide to developing research for creative business, especially those small businesses characteristic of many current culture industries.


Understanding Creative Businesses: Values, Networks, and Innovation, Maycroft & Shorthose, Gower Publishing Company, London, (2012) is written and marketed for an international audience. The book speaks to a global community of creative practitioners which is attempting to forge a distinct identity within the creative economy. It is a more developed iteration of Maycroft and Shorthose’s previous research and has a reach beyond the focus of their earlier works.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract