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Output details

35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Brunel University London

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CD recording of 13 songs

J - Composition
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This research was a development of the work which led to the ‘Fold’ project (REF Output 2), investigating new approaches to songwriting which intersect both classical and pop genres, particularly the relationship between linear and cyclical structures, notions of repetition and the role of pre- and post-production techniques. The same extended process of improvisation, recording, editing and reworking was used with the same group of performers who were involved in ‘Fold’ (the composer – electronics, piano, keyboard; Elisabeth Nygård – voice; Natalie Rosario – cello; Pete Wilson – bass guitar; Rob Millet – percussion).

In addition to the research questions explored in ‘Fold’, Here raised some new issues:

(a) “A new function for graphic scores?”

Pre-constructed graphic scores were used as a starting point for a number of songs, generating a particular form of directed improvisation from the players and in turn suggesting particular approaches of editing and rearranging the resultant audio. The songs ‘Trust’ and ‘Spires’, for example, were constructed in this way.

(b) “A role for chance?”

As with ‘Fold’, the balance between composed and chance elements was always paramount. Chance was introduced in many different ways; for example, independent improvisations were partly reworked or juxtaposed and aleatoric components were introduced to provoke new ways of improvising for the performers. ‘Spoken or Sung’ was one such experiment: a “collage improvisation”, it layers several independent piano tracks (improvised without rhythmic reference to each other) with a vocal improvisation which was created in response to another song on the album. This cross-fertilisation created links between the songs and was also used to connect ‘A Pier’ and ‘Vinter Nå’ and between ‘I Dream Beside You’ and ‘Rain In (for L.S.)’.

The finished work, a collection of 13 songs, was performed on 7th November 2012 at The Forge, Camden; the CD was released in November 2012.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract