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Impact (REF3a/b)

1 - Clinical Medicine

University of Birmingham

Impact template (REF3a)

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Individual case studies

Assessment of disease activity in lupus (158K)

Changing European Commission policy in relation to biocides as agents driving antibiotic resistance (105K)

Enabling faster and more accurate treatment of Tuberculosis (139K)

Establishing evidence-based clinical guidelines for multiple pregnancy (96K)

Global health impact and economic impact from the development of Freelite® (107K)

Improving clinical decision making and patient outcomes in severe limb ischaemia (127K)

Improving diagnosis and clinical care for rare inherited diabetes syndromes (181K)

Improving the management of patients with atrial fibrillation (121K)

Leading diagnosis, patient care and cancer screening policy in ataxia telangiectasia (120K)

Promoting non-physician support for maternal health in the developing world (133K)

Providing an evidence base for the FDA ban of fluoroquinolone antibiotic use in animals (84K)

Pulse Oximetry screening to detect heart disease in newborn babies (218K)

Reducing delays in accessing care for patients with a new onset of rheumatoid arthritis (118K)

Refining the role and optimising the delivery of radioiodine in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis and thyroid cancer (125K)

Saving lives through universal MRSA screening (85K)

The development of HLA-peptide tetramers and their application as a novel form of cell therapy for immune suppressed patients suffering from cytomegalovirus infection (123K)

The introduction of combination chemo-radiotherapy to reduce the need for cystectomy in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer (147K)