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Impact (REF3a/b)

6 - Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science

SRUC (joint submission with University of Edinburgh)

Impact template (REF3a)

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Individual case studies

1a. Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP), a newly recognised disease of calves, is caused by colostral transfer of cross-reactive alloantibodies induced in dams by PregSure Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) vaccine (183K)

1b. Dolly the sheep – the first cloned adult animal leading to multiple cloning business enterprises (235K)

1c. Promoting public and policy-maker understanding of the benefits of genetic modification (GM) technology in chickens; transgenic birds that do not transmit avian influenza (211K)

1d. Breeding a scrapie resistant international sheep flock (209K)

1e. Marker-Assisted Selection to breed for resistance to Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis in Salmon (162K)

1f. The development of genomic selection and application through optimal contribution theory in livestock breeding (205K)

1g. Widespread removal of muesli-style diets from retail outlets and changes to feeding policy following the identification that they are detrimental to rabbit health (235K)

1h. The Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) is a reliable basis for genetic improvement of dairy cattle productivity, health, welfare, longevity and environmental impact (194K)

1i. Eliminating trypanosome carriage in Ugandan cattle prevents sleeping sickness in humans, stimulating the formation of “Stamp Out Sleeping Sickness (SoS)” a Public Private Partnership that is eliminating the disease from Uganda (253K)

1j. Controlling bovine TB in the UK by controlling badger numbers (257K)

1k. Discovery that Ramularia collo cygni causes leaf spotting in barley and development of a diagnostic to target fungicide use, saving the industry £5.4M per annum (229K)

1l. Whole-house gassing improves the welfare of birds requiring culling during a major disease outbreak and is now adopted by Defra (212K)

1m. Aerial perches improve the welfare of laying hens and are now recommended by the European Union (216K)

1n. Control of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in livestock through evidence-driven behaviour changes on farms and through veterinarians (229K)

1o. Quantifying the capacity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture (173K)

1p. Minimising heat and other stresses during animal transportation improves animal welfare and has driven EU legislation (205K)

1q. Recognising European farms as being High Nature Value (HNV) promotes conservation of fragile ecosystems and is now embedded in EU rural development policy (236K)

1r. Visual evaluation of soil structure reliably assesses soil quality and has been adopted world-wide to enable soil improvement for enhanced crop yield (215K)

1s. Loose-farrowing systems Improve the welfare of the sow whilst protecting the welfare of the piglet and have superseded the farrowing crate, now banned in three countries (215K)