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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Queen's University Belfast

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Title and brief description

Audley's Light

J - Composition
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Audley’s Light was commissioned by Elizabeth McNutt and was Premiered at the Sonic Arts Research Centre in Belfast in 2010 and received a subsequent performance in North Texas in 2012. The work consists of a printed score, a Max MSP patch and a studio recording of the work. The composition is one in a series of my works that investigates the tension and symbiosis between the performed instrumental and computer sounds. One of the main strategies of the work was to synthesize my memories of Audley’s Castle in County Down into a single movement work. The piece relies on this idea as a starting point and develops very clearly identifiable musical utterances as the work evolves. Throughout the work, one of the primary challenges was to generate and develop rich musical material from seemingly insignificant musical ideas, and unite this live material (flute and computer) in a duet fueled by disparate musical hierarchies. The work has developed through engagement with a number of theoretical and practical compositional strategies. For the most part, this composition has developed through interaction between algorithmic composition procedures, analyses and resynthesis and intuitive orchestration/notation decisions. Sound synthesis, analyses and re-synthesis/transformation techniques were employed to develop the computer part of the composition and played a major role in evolving the notated musical data.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract