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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Birmingham City University

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Brief description


R - Scholarly edition
Publisher of book
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Artesis Hogeschool Antwerp, Belgium
Title of edition
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

A unique collaborative, creative and educational research project which generated new creative practical work related to eating and the table environment. Food was regarded as material and so by side-stepping subject specific and traditional materials the creative response, experiential curiosity and innovation in student work was enhanced and impacted positively on their emerging studio methodologies. The work was subsequently exhibited in a well-known gallery in Antwerp Silke and the Gallery. A documenting publication was produced. The publication was designed by Jean-Michel Meyers in collaboration with Nico Dockx. The objectives of the project were to facilitate and enhance experiential learning through a practical project that views design development in a narrative, performative and self-reflective context. This project emphasizes culturally established patterns of behaviour, engaged with the performativity of objects and aesthetic appreciation of objects in every-day encounters. The convergence of crafts, design and fine art practices is conductive to extending the theoretical vocabulary and map out new territories where crafts practices contribute to cultural production and dissemination. At the end of this project students were better able to position their work with reference to diverse social, cultural and interpretative issues, which was evidenced by the quality of the exhibitions and their reflective diaries and journals.

Project funded by Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Artesis, University College Antwerp and Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, Birmingham City University

Cross-referral requested
Research group
2 - Centre for Design and Creative Industries
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract