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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Birmingham City University

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Title and brief description

Multiverse and Multiverse Expanded

M - Exhibition
Swedenborg House
Year of first exhibition
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Multiverse and Multiverse Expanded were two exhibitions held at the Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art Gallery in London (2009) and at the Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm, Norway (2011). Each exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue: Multiverse with texts by the curator/artist, Ole Hagen and artist Kit Poulson, (Divus Design, 2009), 37 pages ISBN: 97-0-95588721-4-3, and Multiverse Expanded curated by Ole Hagen with texts by Michael Moorcock, Ole Hagen, Plastique Fantastique, Alicia Paz and Kit Poulson, (Fraser Muggeridge Studio Design: 2011), 47 pages ISBN: 978-1-900813-10-5. The latter publication featured exclusive new work by renowned science fiction author Michael Moorcock and designed by award winning designer Fraser Muggeridge. Multiverse was accompanied by Open Multiversity a symposium/event at Swedenborg House. Multiverse Expanded was accompanied by a website.

These two exhibitions show work across the fine art disciplines, painting, sculpture, drawing, installation, video and performance. Multiverse, a term first coined by the philosopher William James and since used by astrophysicists to describe the possibility of multiple universes, was first used in fiction by the author Michael Moorcock. These two exhibitions are about the role of fiction in fine art practice and the relationship between fiction, science and fine art, particularly the idea of other worlds. The largest exhibition, Multiverse Expanded consisted of 37 pieces of work across two gallery floors.

Multiverse and Multiverse Expanded covered two main types of fine art venues: the private and the public. Danielle Arnaud is a highly regarded private gallery in London. Akershus Kunstsenter is an important Norwegian Arts Council funded regional art centre in Lillestrøm. Internal funding from BCU, Multiverse Expanded was supported from Norway by BKH (Visual Artists’ Support Fund) with £10 000, and the Norwegian Arts Council by £2600.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
1 - Centre for Fine Art Research
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract