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Output details

29 - English Language and Literature

University of East Anglia

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Book title

Saturn's Moons: A W.G.Sebald Handbook

B - Edited book
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This book brings together in one volume for the first time important new critical and visual source materials on Sebald’s life and works much of it taken from original sources from the Sebald Nachlaá - the most important part of which is now held in Marbach, Germany, where it will be the subject of a major exhibition in 2008-9. It contains accounts from Sebald’s colleagues and students, definitive primary and secondary bibliographies, details of audiovisual material and interviews, and a catalogue of Sebald’s library. Saturn’s Moons provides unique materials for future Sebald studies in English and German alike, complementing recent critical works on subjects such as history, memory, modernity, reader response and the visual. Catling was lead editor of the project. She commissioned and coordinated contributions and structuring sections, oversaw and compiled bibliographies, selected and placed visual material. She also authored the following contributions:

‘Bibliotheca abscondita: on W. G. Sebald’s Library’, pp. 265-97;

‘A Catalogue of W. G. Sebald's library’ (in the Marbach Nachlass and beyond), pp. 377-441;

‘Introduction’ (with Richard Hibbitt), pp. 1-13

‘Secondary Bibliography’ (with Richard Hibbitt and Lynn Wolff), pp. 497-547;

‘Reviews of Works by W.G. Sebald’ (with Richard Hibbitt), pp. 548-80.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract